Association of Christian Truth Seekers (ACTS) began in 1997 with one Webster University student and a part-time campus minister. From January of 1999 to 2022, A.J. Bennett was the full-time campus minister, then succeeded by Katie Holloway. ACTS is supported by several local churches of Christ (Bible-based churches). ACTS-WU is a non-denominational student group at Washington University affiliated with ACTS

ACTS serves two basic purposes: to encourage and help Christian students to grow in their faith by seeking a deeper understanding of truth and service to others and to help encourage students to reach out to those who are not Christians by providing open discussion groups for people of all backgrounds and beliefs.

Over the years, ACTS has touched the lives of and has been touched by the lives of hundreds of students. While Friday night dinners are the highlight of each week, we do so much more. ACTS now hosts and participates in campus-wide dinners, interministry events, mission trips, small groups, and special social events.
We're open to anyone, Christian or not, and the friendships and memories we make and the spiritual growth we experience will last far beyond college.
Sharing a Word
As part of our goal to facilitate faith-related discourse and to encourage each other in Christ, we often have ACTS members "share a word," where they share what God has been showing them recently. Watch 2018 ACTS grad Matt Chan share a word.